Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Nativity Advent with Daily Scriptures

I have felt a special need this year to keep our Christmas celebrations centered on the true reason for the season, our Savior, Jesus Christ. 
I spent an hour this morning searching for scripture that speaks to me of Christmas and the life of Christ. 
I'll be attaching each scripture to a piece in a kid-friendly nativity set, to which we will add one piece each night, culminating in the placement of the Christ-child in the manger on Christmas Eve. I will try to keep the pieces as representative of what is in the verses as possible.

Obviously you can change out any reference to one that suits you better, but here are the passages I was touched by particularly.

Nov. 30: Read "The Living Christ"  Nativity Piece [NP]: Stable- overarching, general testimony of Christ

Dec. 1: Isaiah 9:6 {Old Testament}(For unto us a child is born..) [NP]: Angel- Prophecy of Christ

Dec. 2: 2 Nephi 25:19-20 {Book of Mormon}(Christ is named, the brass serpent is a type of Christ's healing power) [NP]: Angel- Prophecy of Christ

Dec. 3: Ether 3:1-16 {Book of Mormon}(Brother of Jared sees Christ) [NP]: Angel- Prophecy of Christ

Dec. 4: Helaman 14:1-13 {Book of Mormon}(Samuel the Lamanite prophesies of Christ) [NP]: Christmas Star- this was one of the specific prophecies made by Samuel

Dec. 5: 3 Nephi 9:13-18 {Book of Mormon}(Christ declares himself unto the Nephites) [NP]: Sheep-follow the voice of the good shepherd

Dec. 6: Isaiah 44:22-24 {Old Testament}(Christ created and redeemed the world) [NP]: Small Star- Christ created all things

Dec. 7: Abraham 3:23-27 {Pearl of Great Price}("Here am I, send me."/Council in Heaven) [NP]: Small star- the noble and great ones

Dec. 8: Abraham 4 {Pearl of Great Price}(The creation) [NP]: Small star- the light and the darkness created He them

Dec. 9: Alma 30:40-41, 44 {Book of Mormon}(All things denote there is a God) [NP]: Small star- ...Even the planets in their motions...

Dec. 10: John 13:4-17 {New Testament}(Christ washes the disciples feet) [NP]: Donkey- He who is least among you

Dec 11:1 Peter 2: 21-25 {New Testament}(Follow Christ, the shepherd of our souls) [NP]: Sheep- I won't insult you by stating the symbolism here.

Dec. 12: Matthew 16:13-17 {New Testament}(Peter testifies of Christ's divinity) [NP]: Sheep- the lamb of God

Dec. 13: Alma 5:38, 48-50 {Book of Mormon}(The good shepherd calls to us, Christ will come) [NP]: Shepherd

Dec 14: Psalm 23 {Old Testament}(The Lord is my Shepherd) [NP]: Shepherd

Dec. 15: 1 Nephi 10:4-10 {Book of Mormon}(Lehi prophesies of Christ and John the Baptist) [NP]: Camel- John the Baptist wore camel hair in the wilderness

Dec. 16: Alma 7:10-14 {Book of Mormon}(Alma prophesies of the mission of Christ) [NP]: Wise man- brought gifts to symbolize the gift of the Atonement

Dec. 17: 3 Nephi 1:9-23 {Book of Mormon}(all signs concerning Christ's birth are fulfilled) [NP]: Wise Man- aka, prophet 

Dec. 18: Alma 19: 1-13 {Book of Mormon}(King Lamoni prophesies that Christ will be born of a woman, divinity of womanhood) [NP]: Wise Man- found child with Mary his mother

Dec. 19: 1 Nephi 11:1-33 {Book of Mormon}(Interpretation of the vision of the Tree of Life- Represents Christ as the Love of God) [NP]: Palm tree- again, I won't insult your intelligence

Dec. 20: Isaiah 7:14-15 {Old Testament}(A virgin shall conceive) [NP]: Cow- Butter and honey shall he eat

Dec. 21: Luke 1: 26-38 {New Testament}(Mary is visited by the angel Gabriel) [NP]: Mary

Dec. 22: Luke 1: 39-46 {New Testament}(Mary visits Elisabeth, they testify of Christ) [NP]: Camel-again, John the Baptist, who "leapt" within his mother Elisabeth's womb at the nearness of Mary, mother of Christ, is symbolized by camel hair.

Dec. 23: Matthew 1:18-25 {New Testament}(Joseph is visited by an angel and told of Christ) [NP]: Joseph

Dec. 24: Luke 2/Matt 2:1-12 {New Testament}(Christmas Story and visitation of the Wise Men) [NP]: Christ Child in the manger.

I hope this helps you and your family more fully experience the true Joy that can come from the Christmas Season.  Another meaningful way to participate in the Advent is by attaching acts of service to each scripture and nativity piece. Think of some that work for your family. Shovel someone's driveway, leave a treat on a doorstep, invite a family or elderly neighbor over for an evening of fun and food, write letters or send packages to missionaries or military service people. One act of service each day will fill your home with the Spirit of Christmas.

Merry Christmas!
Photo Courtesy
Update 12/4 - Here is the nativity that I am using for this advent calendar. They are just small wooden people and popsicle sticks, decorated with felt to look like people and animals. They have washers glued to their backs, and I glued a magnets to the wrong side of the canvas which I painted to look like a desert at night, then glued a few buttons as stars and a felt, raffia and popsicle stick stable for the setting. Another option would be to use a magnet board. So when it's time to put a new one on, you just put it somewhere until it sticks! I plan to make a small flip calendar with pockets in it to store each piece until it's time to use them. 

I still need to make the wise men, Mary and Joseph, and the palm tree, but it's a work in progress!

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